台灣基進, 高雄市。 250,248 個讚 · 10,956 人正在談論這個 · 1,648 個打卡次。台灣基進官方粉絲專頁。 基進,即「基本又進步」之意。我們是一個堅定抗中、堅守台灣獨立立場的年輕政黨。
【基進黨致 美利堅合眾國第45任總統當選人唐諾・川普】
Donald J. Trump Republican National Committee
Dear President-elect Donald Trump,
The Taiwan Radical Wings Party would like to express our sincerest congratulations on your election as the 45th president of the United States of America.
As a democratic country that upholds freedom, cultural diversity, and… 更多 generosity, the United States of America has become the example to many countries and continues to play a very significant role in global politics, economy, culture, and security. It is not too much to say that the US is one of the major forces in contemporary world history. Although the US has encountered many economic challenges in recent years, the… 更多
  • 周冠竹