National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2014年12月22日下午5:18 · 羅蘭珊的好友畢卡索引薦她認識了命中注定的情人-詩人阿波里奈爾。身世背景相似的兩人愛得轟轟烈烈,一度論及婚嫁,但最後卻因詩人被羅浮宮的失竊案牽連而漸行漸遠。即便未能成為眷屬,兩人卻未忘情對方。詩人出版了描述分手作品的代表作《密哈波橋》,而女畫家走到生命盡頭時,選擇在胸口放著詩人寫給她的情書。
Picaso introduced Apollinaire to Laurencin, whom later became… 更多 her lover. They almost got married, but Apollinaire was involved in the criminal case of the stolen of Mona Lisa in 1911 that caused their separation. The poet later published the famous poem “Le Pont Mirabeau” to commemorate their love; the artist decided to place poet's love letters on her heart at the end of her life.
Guilaume Apollinaire au profil egyptien
vers 約 1909-10年
木板與油彩 Huile sur bois
63 x 52 cm