National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2014年12月15日下午6:19 · 羅蘭珊在洗衣船接觸了不同畫派的影響;擷取了立體派風格的技法,嘗試野獸派筆觸的著色手法,也受到稅務官盧梭的樸實主義影響。她融合各家技法創造出舞蹈般的繪畫風格,感性、柔美的獨特畫風樹立了能與男性藝術家分庭抗禮的女性藝術標竿。在第一次世界大戰前便奠定具有國際名聲的前衛藝術家的地位,並在戰後持續活躍於不同藝術領域。
As a regular associate of the painters and poets… 更多 associated with the Bateau-Lavoir, Laurencin met different art styles including Cubism, Fauvism and Primitivism. She developed her own style of painting with an unique feminine aesthetics, which allows her to compete with renowned male masters. Laurencin obtained the recognition as a modern artist before the First World War, and actively in various art fields after the war.
鋼琴家 La pianist
紙板與油彩 Huile sur carton
35 x30 cm