國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年12月8日上午1:43 · 多媒體下載/靜態月曆桌布–馬年系列 12 月
Download/Static Calendar Desktops (Year of the Horse Series: December)
故宮官網提供多款桌布,附圖的12月份桌布主題出自「歷朝名繪(冊)」中「」。本圖是1024*768,其他大小的桌布請至下方連結下載(download):… 更多http://www.npm.gov.tw/zh-TW/Article.aspx?sNo=03001536
The painting was made by Zhao Mengfu (style name Zi'ang, sobriquet Songxue daoren) descended from the Song dynasty founder, Taizu, but he also served in the Yuan dynasty at the Hanlin Academy and was posthumously entitled Duke of Wei. He specialized in… 更多