國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年12月4日上午9:27 · 筆有千秋業【清 吳昌碩 篆書七言聯】(陳列室:204) 展覽只到 12/25!
Current Exhibit:【Seven-Character Couplet in Seal Script】(Gallery: 204)
Wu Changshi (1844-1927), Qing dynasty
Hanging scroll, ink on… 更多 paper, 132 x 33.4 cm
〈石鼓文〉為春秋戰國時代遺物,發現於陜西鳳翔,刻於十個鼓形石上,記述秦君田獵事。字形體勢雖屬大篆一系,但已透露與秦代小篆的關連。 吳昌碩(1844-1927)原名俊,號缶廬、苦鐵等,為晚清書畫、篆刻名家,浙江安吉人。其篆書用功以〈石鼓文〉為最,晚年入古出新,開拓新風貌。此聯從石鼓文集字而成「以樸為秀古原樹。其真自寫余陽花」,筆力蒼勁,饒有古風。
"Stone drum script" is writing that was discovered engraved on ten drum-like stones at Fengxiang in Shanxi from the Eastern Zhou dynasty, the contents recording a hunting trip of the Qin ruler. The character shapes are powerful yet belong to large seal script, already revealing a connection… 更多