聖誕節即將到來,還在為禮物煩惱?那你絕不能錯過金點設計獎與SOGO 百貨攜手舉辦的「金點好禮 農情聖誕」市集!<br> It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Golden Pin Design Award and Pacific SOGO Department Store is joining hands once again to hold the festive… 更多 holiday market! 將於明日(12/16)在SOGO復興館登場,市集上除了有金點設計獎得獎產品,還有TGA「包裝好農品牌台灣」的優質食品,以及來自日本沖繩和富山的品牌。<br> The Golden Pin & TGA Christmas Market will open tomorrow in the Japanese Garden on the 9th floor of SOGO Fuxing Store, and run until December 25. At the market, you can shop Golden Pin Design Award winning products along with selected brands marketed under the Taiwan Good Agriculture program. 歡迎大家來逛逛,選購好禮品,歡樂過聖誕!<br> Do your Christmas shopping here to support local design and food brands. May you find the perfect gift, happy holiday! —活動資訊 Information—<br> 時間 Date:12/16-12/25<br> 地點 Location:SOGO復興館9樓中庭 SOGO Fuxing Store- 9th floor Japanese Garden #金點設計獎 #華人設計 #GoldenPinDesignAward #GPDA2016 #HuarenDesign