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【數位台灣書院】 大家有沒有覺得最近變冷呢?
Feeling a bit chilly lately? 這時候,喝一碗熱湯最舒服了。
It's the best timing for a bowl of warm and comforting hot soup! 台灣人喜歡吃火鍋,一群人圍著一個大鍋子,一同分享鍋子裡的食材,象徵著團聚與分享。
Taiwanese likes our hot pot - gathering around a large pot full of delicious ingredients, sharing not just food, but most importantly the friendship among us. … 更多 火鍋的湯頭與食材可以隨自己喜好選擇,大家的口味不同所以又發展出鴛鴦鍋,可以選擇兩種不同的湯底,不管你吃辣與否,都可以一同享受熱呼呼的冬季美味。
And it's all about options - with the "Yuan-Yang" hot pot you could even choose two different soup base in one twin-side pot to go with your favorite ingredients, no matter you like it spicy or not! Nothing beats the hot pot time in cold winter! 數位臺灣書院中有更多關於火鍋的介紹喔! ↓↓請點此連結