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【Video】Famous Taiwan baby hair brush(tāi máo bǐ /胎毛筆) from the Kuo House of Brush and Ink The 4th generation owner of Kuo's House of Brush and Ink, Kuo Swei Lin, picked a lucky date and time to go to Taoyuan to… 更多 help a customer surnamed Luo to make a brush out of a month-old baby's hair. Before removing the baby's hair, Kuo Swei Lin took out several lucky items, including scallions(cōng /蔥) for intelligence(zhì huì /智慧), celery(qín cài /芹菜) for diligence(qín miǎn /勤勉), leeks(jiǔ cài /韭菜) for longevity(cháng shòu /長壽), a chicken egg for great appearance, a duck egg for health, a round rock for daring courage and a coin for wealth and fortune. The baby's hair then came off after some lucky phrases were intoned. In the past, a student used his own baby hair brush to take the government job placement test and landed a position as Chuan Yuan(zhuàng yuán /狀元). This type of pen is thus called the 'ChuanYuan brush'(zhuàng yuán bǐ /狀元筆). Link: http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/video/liberal_arts_detail/227