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【數位台灣書院】 你知道為什麼「數位臺灣書院」要堅持使用正體字嗎?
Do you know why Taiwan Academy persist in using traditional Chinese? 1.正體字是中華文字的原始寫法與正統寫法
It is the original and orthodox forms of written Chinese.
(It's the original and orthodox written forms of Chinese characters.) 2.正體字具有完整的文字部件,從中可以了解中華文字的特質
It contains a complete structure of radicals and components which… 更多 is the essence of Chinese characters. 3.正體字最能表現中華文字藝術之美,而藉由書法更能將文字的美發揮到極致
It truly represents Chinese characters as an art form - and calligraphy is definitely a best display of such beauty. 想從書法體驗正體字的美嗎?↓點此收看
http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/video/chinese_culture_detail/121 See Chinese calligraphy master in action here: http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/video/chinese_culture_detail/121