【Video】Sending the thoughts of the homeland(jiā yuán /家園) back home. Kinmen(jīn mén /金門) Kinmen is the famous hometown(jiā xiāng /家鄉) of many Southeast Asian Overseas Chinese.In the late 19th and early 20th… 更多 century many Kinmen businessmen went to Southeast Asia for business and made a fortune. They would wire the money back home to Kinmen to build schools(xué xiào /學校) or other Western style buildings(jiàn zhú /建築). Huang Huei-huang's old residence, the Teh Yueh Building, is the most famous of its kind in Kinmen. There are many gun forts left in the Chien Shui Tou village(jiǎn shuǐ tóu cūn /簡水頭村) today, showing that pirates were a threat to Kinmen in the early days. Link: http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/video/tourism_detail/141