National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
【2014台灣美術雙年展】核心面向: 演續傳統
2014 Taiwan Biennial subcategories- Interpreting Tradition 過去二年,台灣視覺藝術發展的重要趨勢為回歸古典、將傳統媒材注入新語彙,或以跨界型態重新演作傳統。包含重新詮釋古典水墨韻律為新意境;取借傳統表現形式,注入新的當代意識;以新媒體等實驗媒介重新鋪陳對傳統的理解、融合古今;或讓傳統藝術的筆墨精神,走入空間與當代的裝置、行動乃至觀念建築等創作結合,開闢多層次的審美感知。鮮活、動態的傳統,是當前台灣藝術的有力註腳。 In the past 2 years, the return to the classics, the integration of traditional media… 更多 with new vernaculars, or the interdisciplinary reinterpretations of traditions became the important trends in the development of visual art in Taiwan. The application including to reinterpret classic ink brush styles with new artistic conceptions, to represent new contemporary perceptions incorporated from traditional expressions, reexamine traditions with experimental new media to fuse old and new, as well as the incorporation of traditional ink brush essence in spatial and contemporary installations, actions, and even conceptual architectures that opens up multiple layers of aesthetic perceptions. In sum, the vivid and dynamic traditions are undoubtedly a powerful backbone for art in Taiwan.