National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
【2014台灣美術雙年展】核心面向: 再現社會
2014 Taiwan Biennial subcategories- Representing Society 察覺生存狀態的變化,藝術家們透過論述、再現到實踐等途徑反映當下台灣的社會情狀,表達對社會生活與人文環境的關切。由再現社會、批判社會,演繹日常生活的價值體系,對特定生存狀態的視覺書寫、常民美學形式的挪用、生態議題的關注,或採介入方式參與社群關係的重建等創作形態,突出地構成了當下社會性藝術的系譜。 Changes in living conditions have caused a steady increase in artists’ concerns for society and humanity and they… 更多 reflect Taiwan society’s current situations through discourses, reproductions, and realizations Artistic forms constructed a pedigree on contemporary social arts through social reproduction and critiques, interpretations of ordinary value systems, visual documentations of specific living states, or appropriations of common aesthetics, ecological issues, even direct engagements in the reconstructions of social relationships.