挑戰AIT! 讓我用美國IRS問答集第二題,來看馬英九總統居留權與報稅的問題。<br> IRS問答集地二題這樣說: 「第二題:若我長期不在美國境內? 你身為綠卡持有者的稅務義務並不因你不在美國境內而改變,無論期間多長。你的所得稅申報要求、以及若需繳稅的可能納稅義務,會一直持續至你交出綠卡、或者得到最終行政或司法裁決你的綠卡已吊銷或被放棄。 因此, 即使美國公民及移民服務局U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) 基於你長期不在境內或綠卡過期十年, 而不再認可你的綠卡效力, 除非有不可再申訴的最終確認綠卡已吊銷或被放棄, 你仍須持續申報所得稅資料。」<br> 原文與出處如下:<br> … 更多http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p4588.pdf<br> 其中第二個問題: What if I have been absent from the U.S. for a long period of time? Your tax responsibilities as a green card holder do not change if you are absent from the U.S. for any period of time. Your income tax filing requirement and possible obligation to pay U.S. taxes continue until you either surrender your green card or there has been a… 更多