管碧玲 (kuanbiling), 高雄市。 109,481 個讚 · 18,622 人正在談論這個。管媽LineID:@kuanmom Line連結:https://goo.gl/lLBeUg 管媽親自服務時間: 每周六早上9點半至12點 內惟服務處 (九如四路1097號07-533-0227)
分享 管碧玲在歡迎英國上議院副議長暨英國跨黨派友台小組共同主席及APHTRO代表相簿中新增了 21 張相片。
Legislator Kuan Biling’s Welcoming Remarks on the Eve of 2014 APHTRO Conference<br> 管碧玲委員於亞太遺產暨旅遊鐵道組織2014年會前夕致歡迎辭<br> (Event on 2 May 2014)<br> The Right Honorable Lord Faulkner of Worcester, Mr. Morgan, President Oda, Dr.… 更多 Jen, Ambassador Chen, Chairman Hsiao, Deputy Speaker Tsai, Councilor Chang, distinguished guests: <br> 福克納男爵、摩根先生、Oda總裁、任會長、陳大使、蕭董事長、蔡副議長、張議員、各位貴賓: Welcome to Taiwan! My husband Hsu Yang-ming and I are proud to host this special event on this beautiful evening. Our guest of honour Lord Faulkner is not only the Deputy Speaker of the UK House of Lords, he also co-chairs the British-Taiwanese All-Party Parliamentary Group. We thank him for his friendship and support. The organiser of… 更多