亞洲僅此這一場!設計鬼才佐藤大破天荒擔任金點設計論壇講者!<br> Asia Exclusive! Oki Sato to speak at the Golden Pin Design Award Forum! 以「設計觀點」為主軸的2016金點設計論壇將於12月1日上午隆重登場。<br> On the morning of December 1, 2016, the highly anticipated Golden Pin… 更多 Design Award Forum will be hosted in the lavish Eslite Spectrum Performance Hall in Songshan Cultural and Creative Park. 今年邀請到的講者有:鮮少公開演講的nendo設計事務所負責人和2016金點設計獎決審評審團主席佐藤大(Oki Sato)、知名瑞典建築團隊Claesson Koivisto Rune Architects共同創辦人馬丁克萊森(Mårten Claesson)、Milkxhake設計工作室創辦人毛灼然、Miniwiz小智研發創辦人黃謙智,並由仁寶電腦創新設計本部副總經理陳禧冠擔任座談會主持人。<br> This year's speakers line-up includes international high-profile designers Oki Sato, founder of Japanese design firm Nendo, and Mårten Claesson, Co-founder of Sweden's… 更多