◆◆◆【聰明反被聰明誤的人類】Jon過得很逍遙自在,他聽說班上成績最好的那個同學在首都曼谷買了房,但背負了三十年的債務。鳥築巢不過兩天,為何人類為了房子要做銀行奴隸半輩子? 相比動物,人類到底是高級還是弱智?Jon和來自美國科羅拉多州的Peggy Reents結婚並育有一子,Jon敎學生建屋,很多來自荷法英德義美國等青年向他學習。現在的人都很難簡單,生活如此簡單,何必搞得這麼複雜。
Choice to be easy or to be hard, it depends on you...
Oi-Ling Yu
What's up with all those comments or excuses for him having mental problems. He's a racist. no excuses. He made a violent threat and harassed her so there's every reason to have him arrested for behaviorally misconducted
Nelson Xu
Frey Li
The Biggest Scam in the History of Mankind : Hidden Secrets of Money
經濟殺手的告白Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Book by John Perkins 推薦:中研院副院長/朱敬一
一枚震撼彈。 前無古人、後無來者的親身經歷,一位深陷政府∕企業帝國權威架構下的人,起而揭發政府與企業之間的內幕與手段。 深具洞察力與道德勇氣的作品。 -John E. Mack Harvard Medical School 哈佛大學教授Pulitzer Prize得主
Tango Mango
Don’t waste your breath at this homeless scumbag. He is sleeping under the highway bridge or next to garbage bins and beg for left over to fill his hunger.
Jeremy Leung
@{Jordan Lam} it’s very common to see crack heads around time square area in NYC, there’s no need to get personal with them. Just laugh lmao
@{Janelle Wong|janellecywong} lmfao lady got a point though why did that irish man immigrate to america and then say he’s america but not see the same flaw in his words when he tried to point out the flaw in someone being asian but not from asia
Jeremy Leung
clearly mental and probably homeless. Very common in that area
Jeremy Leung
They won’t attack you I’d have just walked away. They don’t even know what they’re saying
Jeremy Leung
@{Janelle Wong|janellecywong} lmao that’s my station. Lots of crack heads there so no surprise
Chng Hooi Yam
Yur great grandfather also migrate from iceland as you said! N why not you staying in iceland n not america , u already have the answer n why u go n ask again ? American peoples also staying in china ! So what is the problems !? American n europes peoples also saty in japen , so what is the problems ?
JJ Lam
大家有沒有發現大部份種族歧視都叫人go back to China!但你永遠唔會聽到go back to Singapore,go back to Japan,go back to Thailand,go back to Korea……!佢哋係痴線,種族歧視係唔岩,但大家都反思下點解咁多人只仇視某一個國家!因為某一些人的行為,但要所有亞洲人承擔佢嘅後果!
Tony Lee
Obviously he is having a rough life and taking it out on the minority. A very sad person and will suffer in his remaining life due to his attitudes.
Jack Ng
Based on my knowledge in movie named "Dances with wolves",US was the homeland of Red indian, the whites from Europe conquered and invaded them with force.
Ada Tang
This is exactly what I say all the time, where did You come from? You are not native American! 🤣 These people probably doesn't even know where they come from in the Earth. LOL
In fact, American really migrated to American continent since British colonization and the rebel raised for independence and those rebel British as we know now, the American. Before the white people (Spain, Portugal, France, British, etc.) went to American, there were only red indians, Mayan, Inca, and native American. 🤔🤔
Zan Deng
For the Asians that may chanced upon this post, this is the very same xenophobic treatment that is given to the foreigners in our own country. One will only know how bad that feels when you’re out there and you become the minority, so be mindful be courteous and don’t be part of this xenophobic equation.
Sakura Willows
He thinks all Asians = China. Like, honestly?? Also, even in Australia 🇦🇺, are you of the Aboriginal origin? 😳😳 Usually, with these kinds of people, I would simply not say anything in case they venge on a violent attack.
MJ Wong
Basically racist people failed in GEOGRAPHY & HISTORY. They simply wanted to be racist for the sake of being racist. 😅😅 When u ask them about the aborigines, they be like.... I'm a Moron i Dunno what ya talking abt ~
Ka Leung Wong
Sky Qingran 這和中國一點關係都沒有。這是紐約市的地下鐵,紐約市出生/移民的亞裔民種是美國人,不是中國人,所以都叫美籍亞裔人。這些種族仇視不是一個有家教/教育的人能做出來的。在美出生的亞裔人好多都不懂中文的了,他怎會知道這些亞裔人是中國人或是美國出生的人?就算是來自中國的移民,都是想在美國落地生根才來美國的罷,這些移民也是遵從美國規矩做事的,何來散佈肺炎之言。紐約市地鐵上是規定要帶口罩的,直至4/18日為止仍然要帶,他不帶口罩,才是武漢肺炎的散佈者。不要將你的世界觀加諸於別人,除非你可以影向大多數的人。還有中共不代表中國人。
Peter Banh
He has a mental problem , he is a homeless person , no job and depends on the government welfare, shame on him, the USA should fix their own problems .
Harry Wang
Everyone lives in their own head. some people are brainwashed successful by society. they will be more tolerant. the others will be extreme.