【Video】The only paper church(zhǐ jiàotáng/紙教堂) of the world
A 3-story white building(jiànzhù/建築) is especially eye-catching(yǐnrénzhùmù/引人注目) in the middle of the field of Nantou County's Puli Tao Mi… 更多 Eco-village. Pushing through the opaque(bùtòumíng/不透明) glass door(bōli mén/玻璃門), you find yourself inside a church. The round white pillars(zhù/柱) support the oval(tuǒyuán/橢圓) roof. The seats in the church are round pillars that are made of paper. All of the pillars were made in a partnership between Puli and a Japanese paper mill(mòfáng/磨坊). The world's only paper church allows(yǔnxǔ/允許) for people to develop a new way of thinking about the earth. In addition, it offers a chance for more people to know the special paper manufacturing industry(zhìzàoyè/製造業) of Puli. Link: http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/video/tourism_detail/155