Will Wong
@{Allan Koh} Seriously? Can't even answer a single point? Jesus man, no wonder are all by yourself at your age....so sad. Alrigth ciao "angry" boy.
Allan Koh
@{Will Wong} ok, don't be angry, no point to angry with other people's view. I don't discuss with people who made judgement on other without any basis and ask stupid questions. We stop here. However, you can speak anything you like. Freedom of speech
Will Wong
@{Allan Koh} Not Chinese, just CCP, however I doubt people like you can tell the different between people, government, country, and political party. However I will you a chance to redeem yourself, now tell me, who does the PLA serve and loyal to?
p.s: I am angry? Guess you need some help with your social communication skill man.
Allan Koh
@{Will Wong} why are you angry ?don't watch too much western news, they are propaganda against Chinese.
Will Wong
@{Allan Koh} 用殘體blah blah blah, so angry, 你說像俄羅斯,中國為恐天下不亂吧?一個在入侵他國, 一個的人民說要搶烏克蘭女人, 現在偷烏克蘭的小孩了。你就真的好自為之吧.
Allan Koh
@{Will Wong} 你这人自以为是,也不知道发生什么,你连臉都不敢露,在那説三道四。以你的文字,那有什么仁呀?如果真的要帮忙,去帮難民吧,去打仗,火上加油,像美国为恐天下不乱。好自为之吧。
Will Wong
@{Allan Koh} 求仁得仁 , 人自取其辱, 就是妳這 種沒人性的人吧?