#2016金點設計獎年度最佳設計獎入圍作品 #GoldenPinDesignAward2016Finalist 這件宛如從科幻電影場景中走出來的「反光防風雨衣」,材質輕量,可折疊並放進口袋或包包內,方便於運動時攜帶,即使突然遇上颳風大雨也不怕,讓你風雨無阻的在夜晚中運動!<br> Reflective Windbreaker is lightweight and foldable, makes it super easy… 更多 to carry around in your bag or pockets, so even if it suddenly rains during outdoor exercise session, you don’t have to worry about getting soaked! 「反光防風雨衣」使用創新紡織技術,將布料與反光材質合成,更運用了雷射切割及後口袋無縫雙層貼合等技術。這項兼具科技與美感的產品,全程都在台灣生產製造,從中反映出台灣成熟傲人的紡織研發與製造技術。<br> The jacket, entirely made in Taiwan using the latest innovations in garment manufacturing and design, features pioneering synthesized reflective textiles. With its futuristic aesthetic, Reflective Windbreaker adds a stylish touch to sports apparel. 反光防風雨衣|銳鎷國際有限公司<br> Reflective Windbreaker|Rema Sports Inc. #金點設計獎 #華人設計 #GoldenPinDesignAward #GPDA2016 #HuarenDesign