National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2014年8月11日下午5:20 · 【103年全國美術展 油畫類金牌獎-賀蕙芝】 作品取材自聖經,以台南棺材板和蝦捲象徵經歷苦難後否極泰來的約瑟在埃及死後,屍體被藥物防腐並安放在棺材裡、照上帝的應許到迦南地。而美鈔與人民幣隱喻台灣在中美關係中,祈求神保護這片土地,並有約瑟堅持的信心。 更多油畫類入選請參考(more award winners' works): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wjeu12UMUM&… 更多index=8&list=UU2EpFok5MUHqQPaFzvK_rWA Referred to the Bible, the artist used famous “Tainan coffin toast” and “shrimp rolls” to symbolized Joseph’s embalmed bodied in a coffin after his death, followed by his burial in Canaan according to God’s promise. The USD and RMB bills imply the relationship between the U.S and China, in which Taiwan must strive forward with the determination of Joseph and pray to the God for watch over this land. 賀蕙芝 Ho Huey-Chih
〈約瑟的夢與糧倉〉Joseph’s Dreams and the Storehouses
2013 油畫 oil on canvas 112 x 145.5 cm