本週四EMW單元討論血型與食物的關係,原來A型人適合吃素(agrarian);O型人適合肉食(hunter),B型人則像遊牧民族(nomad),有超強食物適應能力。你吃對食物了嗎? 讓Dr. Lamb 為我們分析理論的依據吧! 本單元為加深加廣單元,適合高中以上自學,節目中不逐字講解。<br> 建議聽友先閱讀內容,再訓練聽力。 播出日期:102年08月22日 Unit (二)163<br> EMW: Food (5) … 更多<br> Hello, greetings, and welcome to Magic English!<br> I am L. J. Lamb, your host for this segment. Last time, we talked about food and how people are becoming overweight, as a result of the foods that they eat. Today, we will continue our investigation of food issues and talk about a popular diet concept.<br> One of the more interesting theories is the idea that we should eat foods based on blood type – O, A, B, or AB. In Japan, it has long been believed that a person’s blood type is an indicator of… 更多