國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum2014年8月14日 · 【畫金閶別意 卷】列在唐寅特展「詩畫山水」單元,是唐伯虎給時任蘇州知府鄭儲豸大人的送別贈禮,讚揚其治理下,蘇州的繁榮昌盛。
明四大家–唐寅【畫金閶別意 卷 (局部)】(陳列室:210)
Current Exhibit:【Parting at Jinchang (part)】(Gallery: 210)
Tang Yin (1470-1524), Ming Dynasty
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Frosty trees in the deep distance appear at the beginning of this handscroll; a city gate and tower as well as a distant pagoda are also faintly visible. Outside the city wall is an arched wooden bridge with travelers and boats making their way to and fro as officials… 更多