National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2014年7月15日下午9:00 · 【壓抑的存在-塞爾維亞當代藝術-維斯納・佩努諾維奇】 「家」是人類生存中最重要也最基礎的概念,帶來安全感、歸屬感,也強化身分認同,但本質上卻很脆弱。如同小朋友畫的房子般的〈洞/流亡之屋〉,投影在作品中的自然和毀滅似無盡循環,引領觀者體驗各種不同的情緒反應,並投射出人們在打破疆界時內心的混亂狀態。 “Home” is the most important and the fundamental concept… 更多 inherent in human condition; it brings security and belongings and strengthen personal identity but appeared fragile. “(W)hole, House of Exile” is a cage-like structure seen in earliest childhood drawings, the endless projections of nature changes and destruction led the viewers to experience different emotional reactions, and reflect physical, social or physiological innermost turmoil occuring when cross borders and break out limitations. 維斯納・佩努諾維奇 Vessna Perunovich
〈洞/流亡之屋〉(W)hole, House of Exile
錄像、雕塑裝置 Video and Sculptural Installation
20x30 cm x 21 pieces