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國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年7月29日上午9:27 · 多媒體下載/靜態月曆桌布–馬年系列 8 月
Download/Static Calendar Desktops (Year of the Horse Series: August)
Painting: Emperor Xuanzong of the Ming on Horseback
  故宮官網馬年系列八月份桌布的畫作是本院的「明 宣宗 馬上像」,畫中描繪宣宗騎馬出獵,臂上架鷹,奔馳於河邊,驚起雁群的情景。本圖是1024*768,其他大小的桌布請至右側連結下載:http://www.npm.gov.tw/zh-TW/Article.aspx?sNo=03001536
  • 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
    史冊記載宣宗重視弓馬,精於騎射。圖中宣宗面容飽滿,鬚眉濃密,穿著薄底白靴與胸、肩、膝蓋處織繡紋飾的交領右衽黃袍。所戴帽頂… 更多附有頂珠,推測款式受到元代草原游牧民族影響。
    The artist of this work is unknown, but in the lower left is a small label with 4 characters in running script for “Xuanzong indulging in pleasure.” Xuanzong is hunting on horseback, a falcon perched on his arm galloping by a river to scare up wild geese. Records indicate he was fond of military arts, being gifted at horseback archery. Here, he has a full face and dense beard as he wears thin white riding boots and a collared yellow robe with brocade over the chest, shoulders, and knees. His hat with a bead at the top is though to have been influenced by nomadic peoples of the Yuan dynasty. The hat décor is identical to that seen on Xuanzong’s in the handscroll “Emperor Xuanzong of the Ming Indulging in Pleasure,” now in the Palace Museum, Beijing.