National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
【國際視野:加拿大藝術銀行透過谷歌藝術計畫(Google Art Project)與國際接軌】 加拿大藝術銀行和谷歌(Google)合作,將加拿大的當代藝術推介給國際觀眾。谷歌藝術計畫(Google Art Project )是唯一免費提供大眾接觸世界知名博物館和藝術收藏的線上平台。該網站以超過35000件藝術作品可以線上瀏覽為號召。截至目前已經有1500萬人瀏覽谷歌藝術計畫,以及30萬個單位在平台上建置自己的藝廊。… 更多 加拿大藝術銀行在谷歌藝術計畫已經展出超過40件的典藏作品,也藉此讓一些加拿大重要的當代藝術家發光發熱! The Art Bank has partnered with Google to bring contemporary Canadian art to an international audience. The Google Art Project is a unique online platform, providing exciting free public access to the world’s foremost museums and art collections. The site features over 35,000 artworks viewable online. Up to now, 15 million visitors had browsed the Google Art Project and 300,000 had created their own galleries. The Art Bank is delighted to include over 40 artworks from the collection in Google Art Project, shining the spotlight on some of Canada’s most important contemporary visual artists.
Canada Council Art Bank~Google Cultural Institute
The Canada Council for the Arts established the Art Bank in 1972 to raise awareness of the remarkable breadth and quality of Canadian art being produced at the time. The aim was to purchase works and make them available to a wide public across the country. Since then, Canadian art has continued to…