國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年7月26日下午1:56 · 這次唐寅特展有3件畫作都稱「山水」,但主題不同,尺寸也不一。先介紹這件成作時間約在他繪畫早期或中期的【山水 卷】。
明四大家–唐寅【山水 卷 (局部)】(陳列室:202)
Current Exhibit:【Landscape (Handscroll) (part)】(Gallery: 202)
Tang Yin (1470-1524), Ming Dynasty
Handscroll, ink and colors… 更多 on paper, 31.7 x 138 cm
Several buildings in a complex were constructed among mountains, the room shown here nestled under rocks and trees with a cascade behind. The surrounding pines, bamboo, and other trees create a verdant atmosphere. The branches of the lush trees are strong with… 更多