北部院區開放時間:第一展覽區(正館、兒童學藝中心 ),週二至週日9:00至17:00,週一休館。 ◆網站(北部院區):www.npm.gov.tw ◆網站(南部院區):south.npm.gov.tw   No. 221, Section 2, ZhìShàn Rd,,, 臺北市 111
小編報導:古籍與密檔—院藏圖書文獻珍品展(正館)103 陳列室,為了更換新的展件,從今天(07/24)起到07/25(五)關閉兩天,請大家見諒!
Gallery 103 Closed from Jul. 24, 2014 (Thursday) to Jul. 25, 2014 (Friday)
The National Palace Museum Main Building Gallery 103 will be closed from Jul. 24, 2014 (Thursday) to Jul. 25, 2014 (Friday) to prepare for the upcoming exhibition "Rare Books and Secret Archives Treasures from the Collections of the National Palace Museum." We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.