國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年7月20日下午12:24 · 唐寅特展剛開展時臉書曾經介紹過唐寅生平,也提過唐寅當年以南京解元(鄉試榜首)之姿參加農曆二月的國家級會試,沒想到被人誣陷作弊的慘痛遭遇。多年後,他以平淡的心情在這幅【杏花】的作品上回憶起當年的事(二月剛好是杏花盛開的季節),也慨嘆自己南京解元的榮耀竟如春夢般短暫~
明四大家–唐寅【杏花 (局部)】(陳列室:210)
Current… 更多 Exhibit:【Apricot Blossoms (part)】(Gallery: 210)
Tang Yin (1470-1524), Ming Dynasty
Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 114.8 x 32.3 cm
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
本幅以寫意法繪春杏一株,由左側右上出枝,先鈎勒主幹,再行皴擦,枝節多用濃墨寫成,畫瓣復… 更多加密蕊,雅淡潤厚,無俗艷之氣。學者考證題識內容與書風,推測此幀成畫時間約在一五一九年前後。
This painting depicts the branch of an apricot tree blooming in spring. Extending from the left side into the composition, the artist first outlined the main branch and then used his brush to scrub the texturing. The smaller twigs were added mostly with dark ink, the blossoms appearing dense throughout. With a smooth and elegant touch, it has an air of otherworldly beauty. Scholars have studied the contents and style of the inscription, determining it to have been done sometime… 更多