國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年7月16日上午4:10 · 楊守敬藏書極為豐富,囊括經、史、子、集四部,類型多元,包羅萬象;其中不乏與其興趣相關的輿地學、錢幣學、金石學等類圖書。他蒐集書籍不拘時代,不限地域,抄本、刻本兼納,因而獲得不少罕見的珍貴書籍。 院藏楊守敬圖書特展-【西洋錢譜】(陳列室:104)
Current Exhibit:【Xiyang Qianpu (Seiyō Senpu)Coins of European Countries】(Gallery: 104)… 更多
The Bibliophile Yang Shoujing and His Guanhaitang Library of Rare Editions and Antiquarian Books
日本 龍橋世子撰(日本天明七年刊本)
Written by Kutsuki Masatsuna (Ryūkyō), Japan (Imprint of 1787 (Edō period), Japan)
Yang Shoujing had an extremely rich collection of books of classical writings, histories, philosophical texts, and literary works. The subject coverage was diverse and extensive. There were books in line with the interests that he acquired in his teens, such as geography, numismatics, and the study of ancient bronzes and stelae, as well as medical books which he became involved in after returning from Japan out of constant exposure. Yang's approach to book collecting was inclusive regardless of era or region, and in spite of manuscript copies or printed editions. He was therefore able to assemble a great number of valuable rare books.