公認全球最大的旅遊指南出版社—寂寞星球(Lonely Planet)對中正紀念堂之評語: 請別被這座紀念獨裁者蔣介石的『雄偉建築』外表給騙了,他並不是件偉大的建築作品,其糟糕低劣的政治正確品味遭人訕笑。 This grandiose monument to authoritarian leader Chiang Kai-shek is a popular attraction, but don't let… 更多 anyone convince you it's a great piece of architecture. Mocked for politically correct bad taste, the hall is a prime example of the so-called palace, or neo-classical style, favoured by CKS as a counterpoint to the Cultural Revolution's destruction of real classical culture in China. (更多內容請至 http://goo.gl/uBQj9W) ---