國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年7月14日上午2:36 · 繼上次介紹過的「蘇軾〈書次韻三舍人省上詩〉」後,今天再介紹一幅正在筆有千秋業展覽的「宋四家法書」卷之三【黃庭堅致明叔同年尺牘】。
筆有千秋業【宋四家法書 局部 (黃庭堅)】(陳列室:204)
Current Exhibit:【Calligraphy of the Four Song Masters (Huang T'ing-chien)】(Gallery: 204)… 更多
Huang T'ing-chien(1045-1105) , Song dynasty (960-1279)
Handscroll, ink on paper, 29.3 x 21.7 cm
Huang T'ing-chien (style name Lu-chih; sobriquet Fu-weng) was a native of Fen-ning, Kiangsi. He received his chin-shih civil service degree in 1067 at the age of 22 and held such offices as District Defender, Editor, Imperial Diarist, Historiography Compiler, and Prefect. In… 更多