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【Video】Kaleidoscopic gyrations (tuóluó/陀螺)—Tahsi It all begins with polishing(pāoguāng/拋光)—making the surface(biǎomiàn/表面) smooth(biǎomiàn/平滑) with the help of sandpaper(shāzhǐ/砂紙). Next, sketch(sùmiáo /素描) an… 更多 outline on the surface with a pencil. After the base coloring is done, apply paint(miáohuì/描繪) to the sketched design. Let it dry for 30 minutes to an hour. Spray on lacquer(pēnqī/噴漆) and a beautiful spinning top is finished. Thanks to Master Yang's skillful hands, spinning tops(tuóluó/陀螺) are now considered more than just a toy for children. They are now a collectors'(shōucáng jiā/收藏家) item — the perfect combination of art and a children's plaything(Wánwù/玩物). Link: http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/video/chinese_culture_detail/126