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【DESIGN】金點概念設計獎 初審名單公佈! 今年參賽作品高達3,380件作品,經過評審嚴選,產品設計類77件、包裝設計類20件、視覺傳達設計類47件、空間設計類10件,總共154件作品順利通過初審! 初審名單:http://goo.gl/IxBGsN
完整新聞稿:http://goo.gl/psEDGp #金點概念設計獎 #華人設計
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#金點概念消息 #GoldenPinConceptDesignAwardNews 金點概念設計獎通過初審名單公佈!<br> Golden Pin Concept Design Award 2016 preliminary selection shortlist revealed!… 更多 今年參賽作品高達3,380件作品,經過評審嚴選,產品設計類77件、包裝設計類20件、視覺傳達設計類47件、空間設計類10件,總共154件作品順利通過初審!<br> A total of 3,380 entries were received for this year's Golden Pin Concept Design Award. After a rigorous round of judging, the field has been narrowed down to 154 entries-Product Design: 77; Packaging Design: 20; Visual Communication Design: 47; and Spatial Design: 10. 恭喜進入複審的作品!<br> Congratulations to those who have successfully moved on to the secondary selection process. 初審通過名單 Preliminary selection shortlist: http://goo.gl/IxBGsN 完整新聞稿:http://goo.gl/psEDGp<br> To read the full press release: http://goo.gl/RpHLy3 #金點概念設計獎 #華人設計<br> #GoldenPinConceptDesignAward #HuarenDesign #GPCDA2016 #GPCDA