國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年6月24日上午9:31 · 白菜不在家,第一個上場代班的〈珊瑚魁星點斗盆景〉,除了雕刻生動、寶裝華麗之外,在民間供奉的神祇中,也科考文運和仕途亨通,因此也有吉祥的意涵,藉此預祝七月考季的考生們考運順遂!
此外,魁星只代班到(06/24),接下來的展件是〈清 乾隆 金甌永固杯及玉燭長調燭台〉,敬請期待!
白菜出國期間代班Ⅰ【清 珊瑚魁星點斗】(陳列室:302)
Current Exhibit-【Planter with a Coral… 更多 Carving of the Planetary Deity Kuei-xing】(Gallery: 302)
Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
Height: 35.5 cm,Planter: 13.4 x 18.3 x 9.8 cm
Dates: 2014/6/17~06/24
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
除了魁星富含考運亨通的寓意,他的四周亦環繞著各種祥瑞象徵。像是花盆四面都有五隻蝙蝠環繞壽字的圖案,象徵福壽及五福臨門;盆… 更多裡太湖石上的靈芝,則代表芝生祥瑞;就連魁星手裡的梅枝,也具有梅花先春、領先群倫的意味。整件作品運用生動的雕刻和精巧的鑲嵌技巧,將金銀及各式珍貴寶石組合成富含吉祥意義的美麗陳設品,是不是令人嘆為觀止呢?
The Deity Kuei-xing not only represents prospect of success in the civil service examinations but is also surrounded here by various auspicious symbols. The sides of the jade planter, for example, are adorned with images of multi-colored bats surrounding a longevity character, symbolizing prosperity and long life as well as good fortune at one’s doorstep. The fungus on the garden rock in the planter is an auspicious imagery of immortality, while the branch of plum blossoms in the deity’s hand also serves as a harbinger of spring, blooming before all the others. This sculpture features lively carving and skillful inlay techniques combining gold, silver with semi-precious gems and convey auspicious connotations, all that makes this piece of display exquisitely beautiful.