#金點概念消息 #GoldenPinConceptDesignAwardNews 今年金點概念設計獎報名作品件數達3,380件,創下歷年新高!<br> Golden Pin Concept Design Award 2016 received 3,380 entries, breaking the record for the number of entries received since its inception!… 更多 主辦單位共收到來自台灣、中國大陸、香港、澳門、韓國、泰國、印尼、馬來西亞、新加坡、以色列及澳洲等11個國家報名,其中以色列、泰國、澳洲更是首次參賽。<br> Among the 11 countries on the entry list, Australia, Israel, and Thailand are newcomers to the award. 今年四大類的報名件數皆有所成長,顯示金點概念設計獎已備受肯定,激發了來自不同國家和背景的設計師,進而探索華人的哲學及思想。<br> There was also huge growth in the number of entries across all four design categories, an indication of the award's growing reputation and that more designers from different communities are exploring huaren philosophies and ideologies. 完整新聞稿:http://goo.gl/WZr4yU<br> To read the full press release:http://goo.gl/j8UN2V #金點概念設計獎 #華人設計<br> #GoldenPinConceptDesignAward #HuarenDesign #GPCDA2016 #GPCDA