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【Culture】Hot pot Other than pearl milk tea (zhēnzhū nǎichá/珍珠奶茶), small snacks at the night market, and steamed dumplings (xiǎolóngbāo/小籠包), Taiwanese hot pot (huǒguō/火鍋) is also world-famous! A table of family… 更多 and friends around the steaming hot pot, dip-boil (shuàn/涮) and eat, eat and chat, is a joyful atmosphere; it can best demonstrate the traditional Chinese culture of “celebrating togetherness (qìng tuánjù/慶團聚).” Especially in winter during a cold snap, the happiness emanating from the body to the heart is irresistible. Even if you eat alone, there are many simplified versions of personal hot pots you can choose from, such as spicy (mālà guō/麻辣鍋), medicinal (yàoshàn guō/藥膳鍋) or stinky (chòuchòu guō/臭臭鍋). Are you interested? Come to Taiwan Academy to get to know Taiwan’s diverse and lively food culture! Link:http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/culture/showtype3/69/142