北部院區開放時間:第一展覽區(正館、兒童學藝中心 ),週二至週日9:00至17:00,週一休館。 ◆網站(北部院區):www.npm.gov.tw ◆網站(南部院區):south.npm.gov.tw   No. 221, Section 2, ZhìShàn Rd,,, 臺北市 111
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年5月28日上午3:20 · 明天(5/29)即將進入農曆五月,照例地,找出農曆五月的月令圖和大家分享~~
小編特搜-【清 畫院 畫十二月月令圖 (農曆五月(部分)】
Spring Special-【Activities of the Twelve Months (The Fifth Lunar Month) (part)】
Court artists, Qing dynasty (1644-1911)… 更多
Dragon boats race during the tuan-wu festival on the 5th day of the month. Flags and pennants flap and tremble as drums beat a rhythm for the banks of oars plying the water. Mansions line the water on either side, their occupants gazing from the verandahs. In the gardens mallow and pomegranate trees are in bloom, and the banks are green with rushes.