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【Culture】Beipu Leicha If you like Japanese green tea (mǒchá/抹茶), then you will probably like the traditional Hakka drink (Kèjiā yǐnliào/客家飲料) in Taiwan. The ingredients of Leicha (Léichá/擂茶) consist of ground… 更多 peanuts (huāshēng/花生), tea leaves (cháyè/茶葉) and sesame (zhīma/芝麻). After pouring in hot water (rèshuǐ/熱水), stirring it well, and adding “mizai” (mǐzǎi/米仔), it smells fragrant, and tastes great. Making it yourself is a fun and unforgettable experience! Although making Leicha sounds like a lot of work, it is worth a try. After drinking Leicha, maybe you can walk around the old streets of Beipu (Běipǔ lǎojiē /北埔老街) and get to know the traditional Hakka culture in Hsinchu! Do you want to know more about Leicha culture? Come check it out at Taiwan Academy! Link:http://www.huayuworld.org/learningchinese/culture/showtype3/135/105