國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年5月19日上午1:23 · 艾雪的魔幻世界畫展【創世紀第二天,The Second Day of the Creation (The Division of the Waters),1925】
Current Exhibit:【The Second Day of the Creation (The Division of the Waters); 1925】- The Enigma of M.C. Escher: Prints from the… 更多 Israel Museum, Jerusalem
日期(Exhibit dates):2014/02/27~2014/06/02
Gallery: Exhibition Area II 1F , Library Building
The series of woodcuts depicting the six days of creation begins with the Holy Spirit in the form of an imaginary bird hovering above the earth. The series ends with an idyllic depiction of Adam and Eve gazing serenely from the Garden of Eden… 更多