國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年5月13日上午1:13 · 這次的文徵明特展以「書法發展」和「書法入畫」二個單元來呈現文徵明書風變化與其書法對繪畫的影響。策展人舉了幾個例子,今天要介紹的這一件便是「書法入畫」主題的其中一件。
明四大家–文徵明【畫蘭竹(局部) 軸】(陳列室:208)
Current Exhibit: Wen Zhengming【Orchids and Bamboo (part)】(Gallery: 208)
Wen Zhengming (1470-1559),… 更多 Ming Dynasty
Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 62.0 x 31.2 cm
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
This painting, done on Mount Jinsu sutra paper, uses the manner… 更多 of Zhao Mengfu (1254-1322) to depict orchids and bamboo on a slope in the wind. The bamboo bends slightly as orchid blades appear like ribbons swaying in the breeze with a lively manner. The brushwork for rendering the bamboo and orchids is vigorous and powerful, turning naturally at ease with a notion of calligraphy. Having the touch of a calligrapher wielding the brush, this work fully reflects the common origins of painting and calligraphy in brush and ink.
The bamboo and orchids here are dense yet orderly without a sense of chaos, the dark bamboo and light orchids also creating a sense of layering front and back to suggest… 更多