【2015金點設計獎得獎作品回顧 In Retrospect】<br> 紅點文旅|RedDot Hotel 位在台中的紅點文旅原是在曾經風光的舊城區中一間屋齡35年歷史的老飯店。設計師觀察周邊充滿歷史風味的老房子,決定把飯店主題定為「美好年代」,賦予早期建築嶄新生命。<br> Originally an old hotel dated back to 1979 in Taichung, the site was given a… 更多 new life after RedDot Hotel’s emergence. Based on the area’s history, the designer created a reminiscence yet cosmopolitan space. 建築外觀復古,外牆上段使用抿石子,下段則鋪砌紅磚,反映了城市的歷史風華。玻璃圓柱型入口則象徵時光之門,引領進入純真年代,海棠花窗、磚石、木頭等熟悉元素,貫穿各個樓層。餐廳設計將台灣傳統鐵皮屋的浪板做成貨櫃形式,在國際多元化的設計融入台灣文化精神!<br> In first glance, the architecture looks retro with its fired bricks exterior surface, and the cylinder-shaped glass entrance resembles doors to a time machine that will bring the guests back in time. The spatial design incorporated… 更多