北部院區開放時間:第一展覽區(正館、兒童學藝中心 ),週二至週日9:00至17:00,週一休館。 ◆網站(北部院區):www.npm.gov.tw ◆網站(南部院區):south.npm.gov.tw   No. 221, Section 2, ZhìShàn Rd,,, 臺北市 111
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片 — 在國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 。2014年4月15日上午8:05 · 台北市 · 常設展特搜-【西漢中晚期 提梁銗鏤】(陳列室:307)
Permanent Exhibit-【Hou-lou food container with handle】(Gallery: 307)
Mid to late Western Han Dynasty (c. 2nd B.C.E. to 1st B.C.E), Height:18.8cm
  • 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
    The body of this vessel is plain and has three squatting beasts… 更多 on the lid that serve as knobs. The beast heads are raised high with noses pointing upwards, the top of the lid also decorated with a strange beast in low relief. Both ends of the long flat handle are done in the form of beast heads, their large mouths shown biting the short chain that connects to the shoulder area. The bear-shaped legs are shown half squatting with front paws cupped before their chests, the shoulders bearing the weight of the vessel. The proper name of this kind of wine vessel, judging from documentary records and archaeological evidence, is a “jialou,” the meaning of which is a vessel with a long and tall neck, its lid rising in the form of a mountain peak.