國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年3月30日下午5:02 · 明四大家–沈周【秋景山水】(陳列室:210) 最後一天!即將結束!
Current Exhibit: Four Great Masters of the Ming Dynasty: Shen Zhou
【Autumn Landscape】(Gallery: 210) Closing today (March 31st )!
這件【沈周 秋景山水】是《明 文徵明、沈周、唐寅、仇英 便面合裝冊》中的第二幅,沈周愛好描寫田園生活,紀錄週遭事物與心靈的感應,是一位真實而自然的文人藝術家。(其他說明請看留言區)
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
A high hill on which sits a thatched pavilion rises abruptly. A… 更多 single tree with red leaves leans over the pavilion. To the left is a grove of several trees, dense and tall, painted with a dripping brush. To the right of the hill the base of a lofty mountain is visible, partly screening an expanse of wall, behind which stands a grove of bamboo, Host and guest are standing bowing to each other in front of the gate; they seem about to part. Throughout the painting the use of brush and ink is vigorous and blunt, but full and elegant. The handling of color is fresh and refined. “Autumn Landscape” is dated the 8th month of 1489, when Shen Chou was 62.