國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年3月13日上午7:07 · 明四大家–沈周【寫生冊 萱花(第三開)】(陳列室:)
Current Exhibit:【Album of Sketching from Life- Day Lily (3rd)】(Gallery: 208)
Four Great Masters of the Ming Dynasty: Shen Zhou
Album leaf, ink on paper 34.3 x 58.1 cm, 明孝宗弘治七年(1494)… 更多
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
(3) The brushwork throughout ranges dramatically from light to… 更多 dark, faithfully capturing the essence of the subject. Shen Zhou scrupulously adhered to Confucian principles in his life and was quite filial to his mother. In fact, he once wrote a poem that stated, “My mother loved day lilies; Thousands of their blossoms were in front of the hall. I make a present of this idea; I grind the ink and dot the flowers of spring.” This painting is thus not only a sketch from life, but also a lodging of the artist’s sentiments and an expression of remembrance for his mother.