國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年2月19日上午5:56 · 明四大家–沈周【參天特秀 軸(部分)】(陳列室:202)
Current Exhibit: Four Great Masters of the Ming Dynasty: Shen Zhou
【Great Excellence Reaching to the Heavens (part)】(Gallery: 202)
Shen Zhou (1427-1509), Ming dynasty, 156 x 67.1 cm… 更多
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
This painting depicts a lofty pine tree, but the composition is… 更多 quite unusual in that it differs from the traditional arrangement of this subject matter in Chinese painting. Here, Shen Zhou chose not to depict the entire pine tree, only the upper portion and its limbs. Neither the root area nor the top are depicted, just a partial view of the trunk with a few branches.
Shen Zhou also used bold brushwork to outline the trunk and branches with finer touches of the brush for the pine needles. He then employed wet ink washes to create a contrast of light and dark, fully conveying a mighty and expressive pine tree reaching for the heavens. The form of the pine precisely echoes the line "With unusual energy striving straight for the heavens" in the poem that Shen Zhou wrote on the painting. Shen also used this as a metaphor to praise the "great talent" of the recipient of the painting. According to Shen Zhou's inscription, he did this hanging scroll in 1479 for Liu Xianzhi, and seven years later Liu presented it as a gift to Chen Fengxiang.