國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年2月12日上午4:59 · 進入馬年,在近代書畫名品展中也選了和馬相關的知名畫作。介紹這一件徐悲鴻的「馬」。
近代書畫名品展【民國 徐悲鴻 馬】(陳列室:105)
Current Exhibit: Famous Works of Modern Chinese Painting and Calligraphy【Horse】(Gallery: 105)
Xu Beihong (1895-1953), Republican period… 更多
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
Xu Beihong, a native of Yixing in Jiangsu, studied at one point… 更多 or another in such countries as Japan, France, and Germany in his dedicated pursuit of realism in painting. He promoted reform in Chinese painting, advocating creative theories for the combination of Chinese and Western painting. He had a profound influence on modern Chinese art circles and art education.
Xu Beihong was famous for his horse paintings. The horses that he painted are not only works of art, but also often strongly suggesting a nationalistic spirit as well. This work was done at the age of 46 by Chinese reckoning (1940) in the midst of China’s conflict with Japan in the Second Sino-Japanese War. The spirited stance of the proud and powerful horse here is profound and inspirational.