國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年2月8日下午3:45 · 「乾隆潮•新媒體藝術展」即將在3月中旬結束,結束前再介紹幾件新世代藝術家以「潮」的觀點所詮釋的乾隆。藝術家們在這個系列作品中發想了9個子題,有的朋友喜歡,也有朋友不喜歡;無論如何,都是一種嚐試。附圖是【乾隆的小宇宙】的前3個子題,詳細內容請看本則訊息的留言區。
Current Exhibit:【Small Universe-A】- Qianlong… 更多 C.H.A.O. New Media Art (Gallery: 106)
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
(3)Qianlong and the Float:
Hey, don’t be afraid when… 更多 wings are broken. Don’t panic while losing ways. Lean on balloons full of joy. Make the darkness bright, and let it guide you to a broader sky. Keep in mind, each balloon has its own uniqueness. And in the same way, you too are irreplaceable! It will accompany you through the entire journey and you will not be alone. Whatever it takes, fly to your land courageously!
Inspired by the concept of the Revolving Vase, this design tries to break a balance between antiques and modern products, presenting dynamic acts of lighting.