北部院區開放時間:第一展覽區(正館、兒童學藝中心 ),週二至週日9:00至17:00,週一休館。 ◆網站(北部院區):www.npm.gov.tw ◆網站(南部院區):south.npm.gov.tw   No. 221, Section 2, ZhìShàn Rd,,, 臺北市 111
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年1月27日上午1:56 · 新展介紹:近代書畫名品展(陳列室:105, 107)今天開始
New Exhibit: Famous Works of Modern Chinese Painting and Calligraphy (Gallery: 105, 107)
展期(Dates):2014/01/27~2014/04/25… 更多
  • 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
    (2)This exhibition features a selection of works by renowned… 更多 masters of modern Chinese painting and calligraphy that have come to the National Palace Museum through purchase, gift, or entrustment in recent years, focusing on the diverse developments that have taken place in Chinese art since the nineteenth century. It is hoped that viewers not only can appreciate these works of art but also come away with a stronger impression of how these pioneers spanning more than a century paved the way for others.