【創業觀點】10個大學生該去新創公司實習的原因 2. Networking and travel opportunities. Through this internship I have met so many key players in the startup world and have received invaluable advice for my career and future. I even… 更多 got to meet Dan Bricklin, creator of the spreadsheet, at the International Startup Festival in Montreal. 2. 機會,在新創公司裡面,你可以遇見很多在創業這個圈子裡面很重要的人,他們會讓你學習到很多的寶貴經驗,對於你的人生規劃,也可以有相當好的建議。 整個暑假公司舉辦了好幾場不同種類,會在新創公司看到的活動,像是hackathon、happy hour…等,因為整個公司的資訊很快,甚只還參加了Amazon、Facebook在台灣舉辦的活動,這些是一般校園不可能舉辦的成的活動! 5. Informal and flexible atmosphere. When I had my interview with my current bosses, I was put at ease when I saw them in T-shirts and jeans. I was able to work remotely and in their “office” (like… 更多
[心得] 10個大學生該去新創公司實習的原因
其實這是一篇我在hackernews上面看到的文章,剛好也是暑假的最後一天,這個暑假我也在Cardinalblue實習,看完後很有感觸,所以想要把這篇文章分享給大家,我會附上簡單的翻譯,但翻譯不會全部都翻出來,每一段也會加上一些我在暑期實習的心得。 “ 1. They are close to your age. A lot of entrepreneurs are young, which...