北部院區開放時間:第一展覽區(正館、兒童學藝中心 ),週二至週日9:00至17:00,週一休館。 ◆網站(北部院區):www.npm.gov.tw ◆網站(南部院區):south.npm.gov.tw   No. 221, Section 2, ZhìShàn Rd,,, 臺北市 111
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年1月7日上午8:01 · 達文西傳奇【理想博物館《裸體喬孔達》 Nude Gioconda of the Museo Ideale】
據傳為江•賈科墨•卡普羅提(c. 1480-1524,又名薩萊)所繪;達文西構圖
Gian Giacomo Caprotti, known as Salai, (attributed) conceived by Leonardo
Oil on panel:… 更多 transferred in the past from its old original panel to canvas and then reapplied to another panel
借展者:私人收藏 private collection
著作權(copyright): ©2013-2014 Leonardo-Mona Lisa-The Myths. Taiwan.
  • 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
    (4) Perhaps because she is nude, this version was not shown… 更多 widely almost as though it were censored. But did Leonardo make the drawing? Did he create a simple sketch or a cartoon as a prototype? A finished painting or a sketched out painting that was then finished with the help of one of his followers? In this last instance, would the finished version be a known work or one that has not yet been identified? For example, the Nude Gioconda in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg or the Nude Gioconda in the McKenzie private collection or the Museo Ideale’s recently identified version?
    The most immediate hypothesis is that Gian Giacomo Caprotti, known as Salaì (1480-1523) painted it. Salai, Leonardo’s favorite pupil, would have, naturally, finished a composition by the master.